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WRISE Leadership Forum

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2024 Leadership Forum Theme: Amplifying Our Voices

The key factors in confirming our program theme:

  1. My voice and your voice are important and needed to make the changes we are seeking
  2. All voices are important and valuable
  3. Leverage everyone's voice - encourage people to speak up
  4. Quiet voices are strategic and equally as powerful
  5. We support other voices - corporates and individuals
  6. We aim to amplify an array of voices

2024 Forum Program - October 9-11, 2024

The WRISE Leadership Forum program delivers annual impact and value by providing content and expert speakers that will share professional development tools to advance renewable energy and the latest in renewable energy trends and policy issues to enhance your career and build value into your company and organization.

Take a look at our FAQ page for additional information on the event and virtual platform.

Thursday Friday

Time (CDT) Wednesday, October 9, 2024
12:00 PM
1:00 -
4:00 PM
A workshop on overcoming imposter syndrome. This session will delve into the psychological phenomenon that affects many high-achievers, causing self-doubt, and inadvertent self-sabotaging. According to the National Alliance of Mental Issues, 70% of people are affected by imposter syndrome. Any marginalization exacerbates this psychological condition. Therefore, the effects of imposter syndrome can be more severe for women and more so for women of color. This workshop aims to give the WRISE community tools and resources to help them overcome their own self-doubt. Lets go deep into understanding Tribal Sovereignty and the reason why it is important. How Tribes approach energy projects and the why behind decolonial work. Emphasis on the cultural, ecological, spiritual side. "How do we work with Tribes today" and including historical knowledge and partnerships. This workshop is offered twice, from 1:00 - 2:30 PM and 2:30 - 4:00 PM.

The "Branding Yourself Personally and Professionally" workshop is a transformative experience aimed at individuals seeking to align their personal values and professional identity. Personally, it encourages self-reflection and introspection, helping participants identify their unique strengths, passions, and values that define their personal brand. Through exercises and discussions, attendees learn to articulate their authentic story, enhance self-confidence, and build genuine connections with others based on shared values and aspirations.

Professionally, the workshop focuses on strategic personal branding techniques that resonate in professional settings. Participants learn to craft a compelling personal brand narrative, define their professional goals, and leverage their strengths effectively. It emphasizes the importance of consistency across digital platforms, networking strategies, and cultivating a strong online presence that authentically reflects their personal and professional ethos.

Ultimately, this workshop empowers individuals to project their authentic selves confidently in both personal and professional spheres, fostering authenticity, trust, and credibility among peers, clients, and employers. By embracing authenticity, participants are better equipped to navigate career transitions, seize opportunities, and achieve fulfillment in their professional endeavors.
2:00 -
5:00 PM

Sign up coming soon!

4:30 -
5:30 PM
6:00 -
7:30 PM
Thursday, October 10, 2024
7:00 AM

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8:00 AM

Breakfast sponsored by

9:00 AM
9:20 AM

Shalanda BakerShalanda Baker

9:50 AM

With the burst of government-driven clean energy investment, we will highlight the roles of federal agencies and how to engage best and amplify our voices with them on renewables.

10:45 AM

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11:00 AM
The clean energy transition has spurred investments and become the vehicle for regenerative economic opportunities. Innovation is at an all-time high with women entrepreneurs are paving the way, launching businesses ranging from consulting and communication firms to project development, finance, and data analytics. Meet and hear from extraordinary entrepreneurs who are working in deep relationships with communities to drive forward an equitable, decarbonized, and resilient energy ecosystem. A discussion of the opportunities to bring wealth to our environmental justice communities by leveraging a variety of inflation reduction policies and programs, especially LIDAC focused programming, the deployment of innovative development and financial models and cross marketing of LIDAC focused programming. We will cover Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, Solar for All, the Low Income Tax Credit, and HOMES, among other policies that will help support wealth building in our communities through project deployment. Tariffs, domestic content requirements, scope 1, 2, and 3 decarbonization initiatives, and local jobs are just a few considerations in an evolving supply chain. The panel will unpack the trends impacting the new clean energy supply chain landscape so you and your company can make informed decisions. Emerging technologies in the clean energy and climate sectors represent a diverse array of cutting-edge innovations poised to drive significant advancements in sustainability, resilience, and affordability, ultimately accelerating the global transition towards a low-carbon, renewable energy future. Come hear from speakers about the potential for advancements in machine learning, AI, and other grid-enhancing software to revolutionize the energy sector.
12:00 PM

Sponsored by RWE Logo

Join a panel of executive women as they discuss how we ensure women leaders remain at the forefront of shaping a renewable/clean energy industry we desire. What the critical components of this envisioned future looks like? They will explore what we need to do to deliberately and actively cultivate the next generation of leaders to take over from the present guard as well as What it takes to build and leave a legacy for the next generation? Do not miss the opportunity to engage with these executive women in small groups during the break outs, where they will share their personal journeys, learnings and the challenges they have overcome and continue on their respective paths.
1:15 PM

Sandhya Ganapathy   Sandhya Ganapathy | Chief Executive Officer, EDP Renewables North America

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1:45 PM
2:00 PM
3:15 PM

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3:30 PM
For most, investing in clean energy is only part of a larger climate investment strategy. Listen as expert panelists discuss how clean energy fits into larger climate investments, company ESG goals, including Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, and DEI impacts. They’ll also discuss how investors navigate the complexities of capital markets and climate goals. This session will be a facilitated participant driven discussion on breaking the cycle of bad management and recognizing your own management style. Providing tools to broach the subject of management training with your HR and Senior Leadership Team, and lifting the burden of career trauma.
Artificial Intelligence is informed by existing resources and materials on the internet. The resources and materials used to inform AI algorithims are from modern society, which is for the most part, patriarchial at best, and mysoginistic at worst. How might AI reinforce these societal predispositions? What can we do to avoid systmatically reinforcing these cultural norms?
There are many challenges and opportunities during the post-development phases of renewable energy projects through to decommissioning. This panel will explore areas for optimization and improved efficiencies, as well as sustainability initatives leading to a circular economy approach for projects. Specific topics will focus on initiatives around recycling, repowering, reengineering, and decommissioning. The use of clean hydrgen is projected to be a key driver of the energy transition. More industry participants are responding to a projected increase in demand for clean hydrogen. This panel will explore expected headwinds and tailwinds as clean hydrogen gradually becomes more competitive and rises to become one of the leading sources of energy across sectors such as the transportation sector and others. In 2021, Executive Order 14008 marked the first time in our nation’s history, that the Federal government prioritized communities that are marginalized by underinvestment and overburdened by pollution. Justice 40 made it a goal that 40 percent of the overall benefits of certain Federal climate, clean energy, affordable and sustainable housing, and other investments flow to disadvantaged communities. Where do we stand now? This session will explore how environmental justice has been incorporated into clean energy projects, explore community action plans, workforce development, and the evolution of the Justice 40 initiative.
4:15 PM
4:30 PM
This panel will explore the regional differences with storage deployment and why pricing and appetite can be so variable. Questions to answer include, which RTO/ISOs do we see storage development moving forward and being held up? What are the main obstacles to storage deployment at utility scale? What advances are we seeing in storage technology? Will costs come down? According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), 680 gigawatts of clean energy technologies will need to be deployed to achieve 100% clean electricity by 2035. To meet this demand, the transmission and distribution systems are in dire need of support as queues continue to fill up. This session will look at some of the major technical and legal aspects that will guide this transformation in the coming years. Panelists will cover topics including interconnection, operations and asset management, and decommissioning; exploring how they intersect with greenfield development and community engagement. What does our "new normal" look like four years after the pandemic changed life as we knew it? This open discussion forum will explore how things have changed, what has gone back to the way it was before, and what does that mean for all of us going forward. An exploration with the different players both advising and making decisions on clean energy investments. Considerations shall include adders, technology, equity, and capital strategies to attract diverse players in the capital stack. This panel will focus on the adjustments created by IRA related to the adders including, 'tech-neutral', brownfield, and implications for sub-5 MW projects. In addition, topics may include leveraging direct pay and tax credit transferrability that are being re-calibrated for existing pipelines. Transitioning into a new role can be challenging, whether that involves changing industries or companies, a promotion, or changing disciplines. That journey looks different for all of us. This panel will talk about finding the right fit for you and embracing the change and uncertainty that comes with new opportunities.
6:00 -
9:00 PM

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Friday, October 11, 2024
7:00 AM
8:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:15 AM

Elizabeth KaigaModerator: Elizabeth Kaiga | Chief Commercial Officer for Energy Systems, DNV North America

Barbara HumptonBarbara Humpton | President & CEO, Siemens USA

10:00 AM The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), and Justice40 Initiative have been some of the most transformational federal clean energy policies and investments in history. In anticipation of the upcoming Presidential and Congressional elections, this session will discuss the potential ramifications of a leadership shift. How can individuals wield their power to shape our clean energy future?
11:00 AM
11:15 AM
Renewable energy development is facing ever more legal and regulatory challenges—from NIMBYism to permitting disputes, disparate regulatory treatment and environmental restrictions, and competing state, local, and federal interests. This session will explore some of the non-technical headwinds for implementing new generation and transmission, and will foster discussion surrounding strategies and technologies for reducing and overcoming these hurdles. For many young people, the transition from being a student to starting a first job can often be intimidating. Further, the transition from a trajectory that was in one way or another characterized by the impact of a global pandemic can be a difficult one to navigate. For these and many reasons, the presence of mentors and sponsors at the beginning of one's career has become even more significant. In this session, we will explore the importance of resources that early career professionals can take advantage of as they work to develop their careers. Leadership is inherent in all of us; we do not have to be managers or hold positions of authority to be leaders. In small group roundtables, we will name and surface each of our natural leadership tendencies and styles. Together, we will discuss how these leadership moments can be applied to our continued professional growth. Many of us joined the clean energy industry because we had a passion to make the world a better place. How do we sustain and renew that passion in the midst of day-to-day work demands? This session will focus on tools to address your whole self, renewing yourself professionally, physically, and emotionally.
12:15 PM

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12:30 PM
1:15 PM

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2:00 PM
3:00 -
4:30 PM

Sponsored by DNV Logo

View our 2023 program here >>